Thursday, May 22, 2008

Life is so fragile.

My mom called me with terrible news today. She told me that Steven Curtis Chapman's youngest daughter had been killed in a tragic accident. I cried for them. I can't begin to even imagine the pain they must feel. I have been praying all day for them. I am praying that the Holy Spirit takes my feeble words and interceded for this precious family. I have been a huge fan of SCC since high school, and attend his concerts whenever I can. It was a program on Focus on the Family about adoption featuring SCC that lead David and I to finally stop talking and praying about adoption, and move forward.My children are also the same age as his daughter I spoke a little sweeter to Lucy and Sam today and hugged them a little longer. Oh God take our prayers support this family, speak grace and healing to their son. You can read more about this story.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Natalie,

I am heartbroken about this too. The videos of Maria were so adorable. I can't even bear to think about losing Daniel.

I also wanted to thank you for posting about Nathan and Tricia... since I read it on your blog, I have also been following their amazing story! God is so good! I feel like their story has revived my faith! I miss you guys and can't wait to see you in Myrtle Beach in August! We love you all!