Thursday, May 22, 2008

Life is so fragile.

My mom called me with terrible news today. She told me that Steven Curtis Chapman's youngest daughter had been killed in a tragic accident. I cried for them. I can't begin to even imagine the pain they must feel. I have been praying all day for them. I am praying that the Holy Spirit takes my feeble words and interceded for this precious family. I have been a huge fan of SCC since high school, and attend his concerts whenever I can. It was a program on Focus on the Family about adoption featuring SCC that lead David and I to finally stop talking and praying about adoption, and move forward.My children are also the same age as his daughter I spoke a little sweeter to Lucy and Sam today and hugged them a little longer. Oh God take our prayers support this family, speak grace and healing to their son. You can read more about this story.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

praying for China

I read this article on Yahoo and thought it was one of the saddest stories I have ever read. I am linked to the precious, beautiful Chinese people forever, through my Sam. In the midst of the craziness of moving and packing I can get so wrapped up in myself and all my stress. Then I take a moment to sit and read Curious George Goes to the Hospital with Sam, and I hear Sam's sweet voice and look into his big gorgeous Asian eyes, and my heart cries for the mothers and fathers of China

Monday, May 12, 2008

My heart breaks for China

My heart is breaking for China tonight. It was hard to watch the video on the news tonight. I can't begin to imagine the horror of the parents waiting to hear whether their children are alive or dead. Please pray for the Chinese people. I have been so busy getting ready to move. I will try to post some new pictures this week.